- Project “Budget line for the Municipality of Smolyan - beneficiary of Priority axis 1, Operational Programme "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020. Smolyan Municipality is benefifiary under Procedure BG16RFOP001-1.001-039 Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020, Priority axis 1 Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development, Operational programme "Regions in growth" 2014-2020;
- Project “Construction of new social residential building in Smolyan”, Procedure BG16RFOP001-1.001-039 Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020, Operational programme "Regions in growth" 2014-2020;
- Project "Energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings in Smolyan", Procedure BG16RFOP001-1.001-039 Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020, Operational programme "Regions in growth" 2014-2020;
- Project “Identification and implementation of ambient air quality improvement measures in Smolyan Municipality”, Operational programme "Environment" 2014-2020;
- Project “Renovation and energy efficiency of culture infrastructure - the building of Planetarium Smolyan”, Procedure BG16RFOP001-1.001-039 Implementation of Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development 2014-2020, Operational programme "Regions in growth" 2014-2020.
More information about the policy of the Municipality of Smolyan in the field of energy efficiency and the implemented projects can be found on the official website of the Municipality of Smolyan - www.smolyan.bg, in sections "Energy efficiency", "Strategic programs" and "Projects".