About the project
Energy Efficiency center – sustainable energy advisers from Orsta, Norway, is a project partner in the implementation of the present project of Smolyan Municipality.
Enøk-senteret is private company and offers consultations and guidelines in the field of energy efficiency. The company has long experience from various projects, with municipality and Industrial networks, analysis, implementation of measures, energy labeling, education and operational assistance, environmental certification..
Over the last three years we have had six different Streetlighting projects for six different municipalities, and securing good projects for the clients.
Enøk-senteret and Smolyan Municipality have good experience in the implementation of two common projects, funded by Financial Mechanism Of The European Economic Area 2009-2014, under PROGRAMME BG04 “ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY":
Считано от 01.01.2023 г. Енок-сентерет се обединява с енергийната компания Нордплан, със седалище в град Нордфьордид, Норвегия.